Sunday, November 30, 2008

rationalization is survival

First; I have been perplexed for years why Bush and comrades went with a devasting, costly and foolish war in Iraq, instead of a surgical removal of Saddam. Recently, I have come to a reason that I believe is theirs. Historical lessons are such that it is a sure thing that the Gulf oil kingdoms are doomed. I know this as clear as I know that my life will end. The Bush cabal is an intimate business partner with the leaders of these soon to be historical has beens. A wrecked, hugely disabled Iraq becomes a buffer a no mans land between the Kings of sand and oil and the popular governments of elected, historical ascendant muslim states. A resurrected, democratic, well functioning modern Iraq was never the intention. Second, private capital in the hands of, private investment banks(rich really rich people), do not like balanced budgets, so a credit card war. This crucial policy allowed for a few more decades of gold sheiks and decades of debt servitude for Americans. Third, both the Bush family and the oil/gold sheiks believe in dynasty. Family, clan and dynastic wealth and its ascendency must be protected, perpetuated and enhanced. The enemy of this identity is progressive, democratic and popular 'will' based states.(coherent nations) For all of this to survive, rationalization is needed- hence the current contradictory rhetoric from leaders and their courtiers.

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