Sunday, November 7, 2010

further pebbles craacked! fragments

yes! clear clear so clear-- understand that man, animal man, organic oozing man { hell earth for that matter} will cease, (better) won't be (here) no I like will not be! yes clear like a cold cold cube, perfect knowledge an epiphany! like an intuited truth all this WILL cease IS no more, a void

no trace

you ask when? oh a million years a few hundred thousand (5280 years) a billion, 10 million. I know uneven, unfathomable when a number is attached, but [-OH oi so true] well a rock does not think self realize, but it be(s)

so be it but nonsense yup I attest knowledge for certainty and it is a fragment- fractured truth a chunk

it is a fragmented truth; billion; hundred thousand, 100 million ; all fragments for the age inclusive fragment,ization.

cold beer country

oh it is mean
yes I mean mean
a place so mean sadly mean its meaning is mean

i mean mean mean mean!

he she & I scream mean place here right here mean real mean they is mean street is mean - a thankless thinking mean

Cato be mean